Sunday, 24 June 2007

Nerves and missing uni

Back in the rainy UK now, after a very scary flight! Seriously, the most turbulence I have ever experienced, actually thought we were coming down a few times, people were screaming and everything. Not so nice. Consequently I got no sleep at all, though I went to bed for a few hours in the afternoon after I got back. Feeling back to normal today after a nice rest.

This morning I went to church. Not an unusual thing for a Sunday morning, but this week was the first week I have been to church in this city since moving here. I have provisionally decided to go to a large, pretty lively church which is connected to the one I grew up in (same denomination and many decades ago they were the same church before it got too big and split into two, one suburban and one in the city), but at the moment they are doing up their building bigtime so are moving about locations in the city. It's usually in the university halls, there's a big room there, but this week it met in the city centre.

It's a great church, it's really lively and there are lots of people about my age and lots of families and stuff, but it also has the usual problems of a massive church - how to break in! It's so big that you don't often meet the same people twice, and today I didn't know anybody, I sat on my own and nobody talked to me which was a bit crap, though what with the new location and stuff it must be hard to tell who's new, but it sucks to go to church alone and leave alone without having talked to anybody. I'm gonna go again tonight, so hopefully I'll have more luck then! I think the way to do it is to join a homegroup - I guess the nice thing about moving is that I no longer have any evening commitments so I'm free to arrange things. I know one guy who runs a homegroup (didn't see him this morning but I know he works funny shifts) so perhaps I'll try to go to that.

Missed my old church at uni quite a lot, and it's just starting to strike me that I'm actually completely sans social life at the moment since I don't know anybody here! Will have to put on my Sociable Hat and go to lots of things where I don't know anybody and try to make some friends without feeling like a total pratt!

Tomorrow I'm shadowing at Big City Infirmary - I'm pretty nervous to be honest, but also a little excited, it will be great to see the place I'm going to be working and to ask all the silly questions I need to ask and to meet the people I'm going to be working with (another sociable opportunity!). It feels like everything I do and everything I go to in the next few weeks is going to feel like being the new kid at school - the majority of people who are shadowing at BCI trained here so will probably know each other, but hopefully I'll meet some people and we'll get on well.

Sorry to air all my insecurities here, and sorry nothing that interesting is happening, I'm just trying to settle in and build a life I guess! Will post about shadowing if it provides something blog-worthy!


Anonymous said...

Hope shadowing goes well. Am up for visiting churches with you if you fancy it!

Kelly said...

Congrats on not being a med student anymore (belated congratulations - I only just bothered to get account and couldn't leave message before)

Hope the shadowing goes well and leaves you feeling bit more ready for starting the job :-) How long will you be shadowing? I'm sure you will soon settle in and make new friends in Big City.

FC said...

Why not St. Thomas'?